2024 Women's Retreat

Join us for ECC’s all campus Women's Retreat this year and bring a friend! The purpose of Retreat is to help the women of ECC grow in their walk with Jesus and make connections with other women in the church.

Our speaker, Jill Ludlow, will dive deep into our theme: "Being Seen by God," based on Genesis 16. When we understand the truth that we are seen by God, it positively impacts how we see Him, ourselves, the people around us, and our life circumstances.


Trinity Pines Camp and Conference Center

Payment Information

Important Dates

The price to attend is $170 per person to stay onsite. Retreat t-shirts will be an optional, extra expense in an effort to keep the cost to attend as low as possible with rising expenses.

Registration is open July 20 - Sept. 13 (or until the venue’s max capacity is reached). Register early to reserve your spot! If spots fill up, there will be a waitlist.

The final payment deadline is Sept. 7.
Final payment deadline - Sept. 7
Those who haven't paid in full by this date will be moved to the waitlist.
No refund deadline - Sept. 7

This years speaker
Jill Ludlow

Retreat Details

Event Contact

Please reach out to Kristen Ward with any questions

Kristen Ward

Women's Ministry Director